Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What a day....................

It is just barely the afternoon and I am done!
Here's a glimpse in pics of what has happened so far today:

While I was busy in the kitchen, here is what the two youngest girls decided to do:

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And then, while we were cleaning that up, the little well known "not me" person who lives here decided to do this:

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Thankfully there were no poopoos in there! But of course, I haven't got out to grab groceries yet and thus I have no laundry soap, and thus meaning I cannot wash all the towels that were used to clean said mess up.There are no pics of the chewed up carrots that Mariah decided to spit all over the carpet while I was busy cleaning up the toilet mess.

On the bright side of things, here are a few other things that also got accomplished today:

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There is however, not one of Robbie, because he was having difficulties staying focused and was trying to tell me he does not need school and why is everyone else in a higher grade then him...*sigh*But, he did manage to complete his work....finally.

So there is my morning, the afternoon has not been quite as messy so far.
Hope your day is going a bit better!

1 comment:

Cakes said...

ugh! I totally had one of those days! I'd post pictures too, but they broke my camera.