Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I had this post all typed up and ready to go and POOF! My browser had an internal error and microsoft had to close my windows, but it's okay, they're sorry! HA!
So, now my computer time has basically run out as I need to get bedtime going, so here is a super quick edit of what I wrote:
-Matthew rolled over from back to front on April 1st, hurray!!!
-He's teething and drooling and biting up a storm, OUCH!
-Getting things organized for the Used Toy and Clothing sale (if you live near me ans have little ones, COME!!! It's free admission for the first time ever!!)
-Only 2 days left of school!!
-Praise the Lord, I get to do my huge grocery trip in the next couple of days. It will be bigger than the biggest one I have ever done. I'm hoping that both my mom and sister will be able to help me, as it will most likely be about 4 shopping carts worth!!
-On a sad note, my Grandmother's 'boyfriend' went home to be with the Lord last week. My Grandma seems to be doing alright, like she says, you get used to this sort of thing when you get to her age. I suppose she's right, but sad nontheless.
He had brought so much joy and happiness to her life in the last year. They were such a cute little couple and he always did little things to make her smile. May he rest in peace with our Lord.

Now that I really need to go, here's something I found from Blessed mama's blog a couple of weeks ago:

It's kind of weird how bang on it was, try it out for yourself!!

Have a blessed Tuesday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter Penny! I've enjoyed your recent posted pics and hearing about your days.. your older kids sound like a great help around! You have a beautiful family!