I am posting this today, even though it was yesterday. Which will be why if you checked yesterday and didn't see anything new!!LOL
The kids were a wreck, they were grumpy with me, grumpy with each other. It was the first time in awhile that I could not wait for the day to end. Both Kayla and Mariah would not stop arguing with each other and screaming at each other. Alex has been getting a bit worse with his tics and they get especially bad when he's excited or really mad. Even Alyssa was bit by the grumpy bug and Robbie was just as grumpy. School was a mess, everybody needed my utmost attention and even Matthew was 'clingy' (my oh my am I glad for the wraps, he spent the majority of the day on me). We managed to get at least a bit of school done, but I think pulling teeth would've gone much easier.
Everyone was put to bed VERY early, except for Mariah, who doesn't seem to think she needs to go to sleep before 11pm. She is the child God gave me so as I would shutup about how easily and wonderfully my children sleep. By that time she is so foul, I find myself praying that she will just FALL.ASLEEP. It's at these times I wish she would've continued with breastfeeding, I'm sure on these nights that would be the perfect answer to get her to fall asleep. She then was up every couple of hours after she finally did fall asleep. Take your pick of troubles, need a drink, have to pee, bad dreams, can't find my blankie....*sigh*.
But like always, these days pass. Thank you Lord!
Well, it's Miss Mariah's 3rd birthday this weekend, which also happens to be a Canadian long weekend. I can't believe she's turning THREE!! She is still a teenie weenie and I am sure that Matthew will surpass her in weight before he turns one!!LOL (ok, maybe 18mos) We are having a quiet birthday for her, I was going to make her a cake, but decided I will just order it. She wants a Boobah cake, or a Blue's Clues cake...but I think we may end up with a Dora cake. I don't think the grocery store makes Boobah cakes, but for the sake of my Boobah loving daughter, I will make a dork of myself and ask the baker if he/she will make a colorful Boobah on my daughters cake.
To end this post I need to ask for prayer for Kandie. She discovered yesterday(Wednesday, May 16th) after beginning to bleed heavily, that she has suffered a miscarriage. They did a D&C at the hospital yesterday. She's doing okay physically, but she is emotionally devastated, and rightly so. We all are. It's very difficult trying to explain to the children how/why a miscarriage happens. (I had never told them about my last two, because I hadn't even told them about my being pregnant)Her and Brad have also called it quits, so prayer is needed. I'm at a loss for words, because we all know that there is nothing you can say at a time like this. May her little angel rest easy with our heavenly Father and may He grant her strength both physically and mentally as she heals from this loss. May she feel His love for her, as He holds her in His easy yoke. Her little angel was just about 11wks.
Have a blessed Thursday (even though this was written on Thursday, the 17th)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
What a day
8:15 a.m.
Posted by
The Nurtured Empath
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Oh my goodness he is so adorable. You can tell he's just going to be so handsome when he grows up. But my god he's just too cute! They grow up so fast!
what a yummy little guy.
thoughts and prayers for your sis. what a roller coaster she has been on lately. hugs to you, too, my dear!
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