Friday, July 13, 2007

Lake Day!!!

What a nice day we had today!! We were up early and out the door to head over to our lake. We were the first ones there, which is perfect because then we get prime choice for a spot!! Kerri and her kids met up with us shortly after we got there and everyone had a great time. It was sure hot though, I think we hit about 31 degrees Celsius...perfect for being at the lake!! The kids had fun swimming in the wading pool and chasing each other around. Then we had a nice picnic lunch and left shortly afterwards. It got so jam packed there, and I think a daycare and then a summer camp showed up, too many kids!!LOL The one daycare lady was quite something, makes me so very happy that I can stay at home with my kids. Alyssa said to after we got home, "How come that lady was so rude to those kids?" I don't know, wish I had an answer!! She wasn't what I'd call overly mean, but if that would've been my kids she was speaking like that to, I would have definitely had something to say about it. She was just so cold and abrupt! I mean these kids were Mariah's age and maybe a bit a younger. Alyssa said she was sure happy they didn't have to go to daycare too!

The kids were exhausted when we got home, and a wee bit grumpy. For the rest of the afternoon, I just got everyone washed up and got some laundry done. there are pics in the flickr too!!

Here's one of our lake:
pretty lake

and some pretty flowers:
pretty flowers at the lake

Tomorrow we are having a BBQ and let me tell you, I am SOOOOO very much looking forward to a BBQ's burger cooked by Bill!! YUM! He is definitely a man of art with the BBQ!!!

Oh, and an update on his new job!! Bill is so happy there!! Hurray!! It is a really, really awesome place to work. His boss is great and is really kind to his employees and notices the little things and appreciates them, yay!!!

Oh and I thought I would end this post with a few pics of my mom's car!!(remember me saying it's all decked out in clowns?!?!?)
My Mom's clown-mobile

Now I am off to go and post some pics in the food blog!!
Have a blessed Friday!!(or Saturday!!LOL)

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