Ummm, so yeah, I've been on hiatus and yes I did in fact forget to mention that on here! What can I say, my brains have permanently seeped out of my facial orifices and sleep is a five letter word around here that could in fact get you kicked in shins should you mention it! Matthew has I so eloquently have put it, upped his 'internal breastmilk quota' to that of a newborn! The song, "can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow..." yeah, THAT song has popped into my mind numerous times at insane hours of the night.
So, anyways. We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. Thankfully, no one was sick during that entire week. I know, I was somewhat shocked myself!
I will be uploading some pics to Flickr as soon as I can. Email me at: mama26blessingsATyahooDOTca (changing the appropriate words to the symbols) with your Flickr name and I will add you to my friends list...oh and your name would be helpful too! ;o)
So, why the hiatus? well, as I said awhile back I've been on a journey the last month and a bit. It's an emotional, spiritual type of journey. I don't know where the road is going, but I am enjoying the view along the way. I am growing a much deeper desire for the word and searching Him out. So, without going into some deep reflections before I'm exactly sure what they are, I'll stop there!LOL
For the most part though, I have been just giving myself 100% to my kids, husband and home too much time can easily be waisted on here!LOL I've been completely immersing myself into the world of childhood and they are some amazing people! Of course I knew that all along, but they are all so individual and unique that I sometimes forget just how much and end up getting lost in the hustle and bustle of the daily routine.
In other news, Matthew has started standing on his own, typically right in the middle of a room. He receives so much praise and encouragement from his siblings, I almost feel guilty for poor Alex and Alyssa's first attempts at these accomplishments. Heck, they just had a Mama clapping and saying "C'mon, you can do it". Matthew on the other hand has five others jumping and clapping, cheering him on as if a gold medal depends on it, and he loves every second of it!
Well, the children are playing outside in the snow. Which means they're coming in every two seconds for some reason or another, really I think they spend more time going in and out then they do on actually playing outside, oh well!
here's some links from well written articles for you to check out. I have so many more, but I'll start with these!
Five Best Homeschooling Tips
The 'S' Word
What is, and isn't Unschooling
God bless,
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
9:56 a.m.
Posted by
The Nurtured Empath
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I can't see your Flickr. Add me?!
Been thinking of you lately girl. Glad to see you are doing well and enjoying life.
I think sometimes our spirituality just consumes us every once in a while. It's a good thing, huh?
Hugs to you dearie!
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